Mission of CP Matchmaker

This site is to match writers with Critique Partners.

This site came about because I've talked with so many beginning and intermediate writers who don't have another writer they trust or have confidence in to send their work to be critiqued.

My hope is this will bring together writers who form bonds and help each other with their writing. If it hadn't been for the guidance and generosity of a judge in a contest who took me on as a critique partner, I would still be floundering with my writing.

Family and friends are good readers to give you encouragement, but when you have another career focused writer critique your work, it's when your writing blossoms.

Critique Partner Form

Copy and paste this into an e-mail, answer the questions, and send to: cpmatchmaker@gmail.com

Name__________________________________ E-mail______________________________

Writing Level

Do you consider yourself:

Beginning ___ Intermediate ___ Advanced ____


How often can you have material to trade for critique?

Once a week ____ Every Two weeks _____ Once a month ____


How much can you have ready to critique at that interval?

5 pages___ 10 pages___ 1 chapter___


Do you prefer to Critique:

5 pages___ 10 pages___ a chapter___

Note: you should critique the same amount you would send.

What is your specialty?

Grammar___ Passive phrasing___ Big Picture___ Theme___ Hooks___ characterization___

Other ____

What is your weakness?



What genre do you write? Genre and subgenre ie: Historical Romance, ____________________________________________

Do you want same genre CPs? Yes____ No __________

Could you work with other genres? ____ If so what? ________________________